
Saturday January 18, 2025

07:00 PM - 4:00 am

Phoenix Rising, Hi-Fidelity MediaWorks & Exclusive Productions


When We Use to Play: A Martin Luther King Day Celebration & Detroit Retrospective

Cargo [10pm-Late]
Marcellus Pittman / Korie Enyard / Deon Jamar

The Foyer [7P-2P]
Shawn Dub & Kels

Documentary screening [7-9]
The Sit-In: Harry Belafonte hosts The Tonight Show

Hosted by:
Ali Coleman | Anthony Ellis | Blck Irish | CC
Claudette Pilgrim | Randy Flood | Sean Cottman
& Fedor, The First World President

Saturday, January 18th | 7pm – Late
Dead Letter No.9 | 63 Grand St, Williamsburg

Soulfecta is Multi-Media Art Project that explores the crossroads of activism and subculture. We cumulatively represents over 200 years of underground DJ experience, that connects with NYC / Detroit / Atlanta’s storied nightlife subculture. This installation explores the influence of Detroit on the culture. We are please to have one leg of Three Chairs Marcellus Pittman, young blood Deon Jamar and Storied promoter Korie Enyard of Better Days fame for an all-star Motor City Coney special on the main floor. In the Foyer we have an all vinyl set with local support from one of the most well respected diggers and his partner. Shawn Dub & Kels.

Our celebration of Martin Luther King is accentuated by a documentary screening of the Sit-In directed by Yoruba Richen for Promiseland Film. . It chronicles the week singer, actor and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte took over the desk as guest host of Johnny Carson’s iconic “Tonight Show.” With a guest list that included Bobby Kennedy, Aretha Franklin and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr;’s last televised interview, Belafonte introduced a fractured, changing country to itself.

Soulfecta is a trifecta of soul dedicated to aesthetics, racial & gender theory from whence this sub-culture evolved. The geographical terrain the culture has traversed. The intention & neuropsychology of Underground Dance Music culture.


Cover: $15.00

Various Cover: $15-$25

Cover Notes: $15-Early Bird, $20-General Admission, $25 at the Door