
Tuesday April 23, 2024

Every Tuesday

EDT (12:00 AM - 2:00 am)

From the Soundboard is a program that usually focuses on concerts regardless of genre. This is where the artist and (or) group perfects the art of the “call and response” with its audience. On Tuesday, April 9 @ midnight (that’s Monday into Tuesday), and since April is Poetry Appreciation Month the focus this week will be on the production presented by Theatre of the Oppressed NYC titled From Shakespeare to Gaza.

From Shakespeare to Gaza is intended to provide a space for artists to demonstrate their solidarity with Palestine and Palestinian artists through their work, and to prompt widespread pro-Palestine action in the NYC cultural sector. We call on artists and arts organizations in New York and beyond to speak up and take action in support of Palestine. We want to send a clear message: “silence is complicity, and we see your silence.” We believe artists have a responsibility to use our power to inspire change, especially now, in this moment of unprecedented crisis.

From the Soundboard - From Shakespeare to Gaza

