BARBERSHOP: THE NEXT CUT in theaters now


Ice Cube, Common, Nicki Minaj and more star in the third installment of the movie that brought America’s favorite barbers to the big screens: BARBERSHOP: THE NEXT CUT. Join us in celebrating 14 years of family, community and comedy as the star-studded cast balances the comedy element of the film, while at the same time sheds light on current social issues.

Don’t miss BARBERSHOP: THE NEXT CUT, in theaters Now!


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Join us and the cast of #Barbershop The Next Cut in celebrating our young men of The Urban Prep Academy on their 7th year of 100% college acceptance! Here’s to our bright future on behalf of these young men, and #Barbershop, in theaters nationwide now!


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It’s been more than 10 years since our last appointment at Calvin’s Barbershop. Calvin and his longtime crew are still there, but the shop has undergone some major changes. Most noticeably, our once male-dominated sanctuary is now co-ed.

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