
Wednesday May 1, 2024

Every Wednesday

07:00 PM - 9:30 pm

<3 We dance, we sing, we pray, we be. <3Rhythm Sanctuary offers a non judgmental sacred space to gather and move all the energies that dwell within the experience of being a human. It’s not always easy thesedays… as we awaken to our nature, as we call in selfawareness and responsibility and reflect on how we contribute or extract energy and resources.


Through the Gateway:© Through the Gateway: $15-25 Cash/Check/zelle/venmo Accepted ~ Show at door

Here we gather in a safe and sacred space into thearms of the Beloved and the company of one another.©

Here we dance and play, sing and pray.ALL IS HOLY-Dress to move~A non verbal dance space

~Bring your water bottle

PLEASE do note:*Here we agree to …~ Substance free participation

~ FRAGRANCE FREE ZONE-Respect and take care of ourselves and one another-honoring each one’s personal space

~ Practice kindness, to value, and learn from our differences as well as our similarities

Wednesday May 01, 2024

7:00 pm - 9:30 pm


Cover: $10.00

Various Cover: $10 – $20

Rhythm Sanctuary Chicago Ecstatic Dance
