Fusicology Is Thankful For…
Each year we scramble around our offices to gather all of the best events for the biggest party night of the year. In 2010, Fusicology decided to let the world know what we are thankful for. Our list goes as follows (in no particular order):
1. Tonight’s party list!
2. Getting our dance on tonight until our legs hurt
3. This year’s DJ Top 5
4. Our parents for making an awesome Thanksgiving meal and for being supportive of our grind
5. The rest of the fam!
6. The whole Fusicology Family worldwide!
7. All of the artists, DJs, bloggers, photographers, promoters and labels that have supported us.
8. Most importantly, YOU for always checking what’s hot and spreading the word about Fusicology.
From our family to yours,
Have a Happy & Safe Holiday Season!