Reboot: NextAid & Om

Fusicology has found a CD that is worth searching for – Reboot: Notes for the Next Generation – is a CD released by the LA-based humanitarian organization NextAid and Om Records. This unique compilation has caught our attention because it is a rare find, in which all proceeds from the net wholesale of this record will be donated to help children in Africa whose parents have died of AIDS.

Music has always been a source of power and inspiration and Reboot is yet another reminder of how musicians are attempting to improve the world. If helping orphans in Africa isn’t enough (shame on you) the CD also features unreleased tracks by some of the most reputable DJs, artists, and producers of electronic music: Thievery Corporation, Louie Vega, Jeremy Sole’s Musaics feat. Garth Trinidad, Kaskade, Troye and more!

“We believe it is each generations responsibility to provide a better future for the next”, says NextAid’s Co-Founder Lauren Segal. Through the simple purchase of this CD a child in Africa will be forever grateful – take some time right now and check out some tracks at DanceTracksDigital.

Trust us, you’ll thank us later.