SFMusicTech X Summit: Photos, Videos, and News
Wow! SF MusicTech Summit X was amazing! Here are some highlights from the eventful day:
Visit www.sfmusictech.com to see a slideshow of all the highly attractive & photogenic participants.
Recordings have begun to be released of the sessions at SF MusicTech Summit X, and will continue to be released more over the coming weeks. To subscribe, visit:
Here are a few articles and videos …
Rolling Stone, Viral Music Videos are Source for Sponsorships, Not Direct Revenue
SF Weekly, “SF MusicTech 2012: New Technology Isn’t Helping Musicians Make More Money”
TechCrunchTV, ” Keen on…Pomplamoose: How Nataly and Jack Are Reinventing The Music Business”
Billboard, “Sleigh Bells Leads Bowery Presents’ New YouTube Play at SF MusicTech“