New Release: Family Tree by Soul from the O


Family Tree is the first single off of Oakland artist sOuL from the O’s Queens and Pharaohs album, but it’s actually the result of the the improbable happening: an underground artist (sOuL from the O) collaborating with an established artist (Hezekiah) all from making contact on social media! sOuL from the O had been following producer/mcee Hezekiah on Instagram, and the two were able to connect and record (though geographically separated – Oakland and Philly respectively) When Hezekiah shared the hard piano laced breakbeat, sOuL from the O knew he wanted to make the song as a dedication to the importance of family, and a mysterious letter he receives about ancestors watching over and protecting him, “7 generations ahead and 7 behind but always close by”. The two artists would align on the song’s family concept and also build a bond that would carry over to the song’s video.

The visuals for Family Tree, like the song itself, was improbable as well.  What was supposed to be filmed in Philly,  ended up in the Las Vegas desert just a few days before the shoot was to happen. sOuL from the O would admit, “Good thing we talked a week before the shoot, because Hezekiah mentioned he would be in Vegas instead of Philly. Which was the best mixup because we realized the Las Vegas desert was a better place for the song’s video” What resulted is a story of sOuL from the O walking through a barren land to receive this letter from this unknown ancestor reminding him of his roots, and his connection to something beyond this realm. The video juxtaposes images of sOuL from the O rapping about his family ties, & a mysterious ancestor placing images of family members in a tree. Eventually the two meet, against the backdrop of desert mountains and a driving beat. Family Tree is a reminder of the magic that happens when the improbable and impossible occurs, and there’s a microphone and camera around.