FLYING LOTUS PRESENTS: LAYER 3 | A Red Bull Music Academy Film


Short Documentary Follows RBMA Alumni Flying Lotus

And Visual Artists Strangeloop & Timeboy

As They Concoct The Visuals For His Live Show “Layer 3”

Flying Lotus Presents: Layer 3 explores the technology and inspirations behind Flying Lotus’ highly praised new live show (see live quotes below). The six-minute short documentary—a Red Bull Music Academy Film—recently premiered on Wired and follows the Los Angeles based producer as he, along with visual artists Strangeloop and Timeboy, concocted the visuals for his live show entitled“Layer 3.” The show sees FlyLo aka Steven Ellison—a 2006 Red Bull Music Academy participant—making his music between transparent scrims set with interactive front and rear projectors.

The visual acid trip conjures the psychedelic Star Gate scenery of Kubrick’s seminal 2001: A Space Odyssey, mixing Hubble-like atmospheres with 3D pattern grids and light bursts appearing to sprout from Ellison’s body, rendering the live show a truly mind-blowing package.

View Flying Lotus Presents: Layer 3 here:

Flying Lotus is on tour supporting his recent album Until The Quiet Comes, which was recently released on Warp Record. Look for Flying Lotus to next bring his live show to the UR1 Music Festival in Miami, FL (Dec 8-9) and the King Plow Arts Center in Atlanta, GA (Dec 12).

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Recent Praise for The “Layer 3” Live Show

“pulsing, ethereal electronic visual effects” – Pitchfork

“The light show was spectacular–all slinky shapes and tentacular arms and chilling, arterial things that popped into the air” – SF Weekly

“the visuals were the perfect balance of the music” – Westword

“he did so with projection screens behind and in front of him, creating a low-tech but highly effective 3-D environment.” – The Stranger

“all manner of Tron-like halos, expanding and contracting orbs, starscapes and unidentifiable amorphous globs of color raced, shot and oozed their way across screens placed both in front of and behind Flying Lotus… a stunning 3-D effect that probably garnered as many ooos and aahs as Ellison himself.” – Time Out Chicago


The Red Bull Music Academy is a world-traveling symposium of music and knowledge: a platform for those who make a difference in today’s cultural landscape, from music to digital art.

Two groups of 30 selected music makers from around the world—producers,  vocalists, DJs, instrumentalists and all-round musical mavericks—come together in a different city each year. For two weeks, participants will hear lectures by musical luminaries, work together in custom-built studios, and perform in the city’s best clubs and music halls. The next edition of the Academy—which will mark its 15 years anniversary—is set to take place in New York City from April 28 through May 31, 2013.

In addition to its yearly flagship event, the Red Bull Music Academy curates and hosts hundreds of signature concerts, workshops, unique club nights, jam sessions, pop-up studios, and exclusive broadcasts around the globe. For in-depth interviews, live recordings and more exclusive content with today’s essential music makers and yesterday’s pioneers, visit and tune in to