Obama, MLK, Voting & Green Jobs Now

Green Jobs Now is coming up on September 27th, a National Day of Action. See about organizing an event, partaking in one already set up, sign the “I’m Ready” petition and educate yourselves thru blog stories, videos and more @ www.greenjobsnow.com

Obama+MKL Remix 08 c/o our good friends at Vimby.com – the video references MLK’s “I Have a Dream” and mixed parts into Barack’s DNC speech. watch here | more videos

Obama artwork finalists judged by Shepard Fairey, Guggenheim Curator and others, view all @ MoveOn.org

We at Fusicology understand the importance of registering, educating, and mobilizing voters in this upcoming election – spread the word @ www.ivoteyouvote.com/


New newsletters, improved Web 2.0 site functionality and more coming soon. Stay tuned for our 5 Year (F5) Anniversary this fall.