Brisk Iced Tea Continues To Invigorate Its Mojo By Celebrating Bold Artistic Expression Throughout Southern Cali

Brisk Invites Los Angeles To Contribute To Collective Art Canvas.

The Brisk Azteca mobile tour will travel the state in search of bold and authentic ways to inspire community – encouraging fans to energize their creative self through.

Contribution to the collective canvas. The final canvases from each stop will be displayed at a final art show to be announced later this summer.

Pick up premium gear including sketchbooks, temporary tattoos, megaphones, and muscle tanks.

Sample refreshingly delicious Brisk Iced Tea flavors such as strawberry melon, raspberry and              lemon.

The Brisk Azteca mobile tour will go all summer long, next stop: H20 Music Festival on August 25 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Los Angeles State Historic Park on 1245 N Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90012.