Fusicology SQL injection and downtime – what happened?

SQL injection

In the early morning hours of Friday August 8th, Fusicology.com was brought down by an SQL injection.  Over 500,000 websites got hit, amongst Government sites, Joolma, Sony Playstation and countless others namely on Microsoft’s SQL database server. We have since rebuilt the database and have given the site a whole new improved look and feel with many features to be added on in the next coming weeks.

If you are a promoter and would like your event listed or edited, refer to the Upload Event page, to contact us for advertising or other inquiries, please Contact Us.  We’re in 17 cities so make sure you subscribe to your chosen Mailing List(s) – a lot in store for our Five Year (F5) Anniversary this fall!

It is great to be back and from all the emails, calls and personal comments for the 10 days we were down and rebuilding, we know you love having this site back too!

Fusicology Staff