Video: Tarrey Torae’s “Little Girl”


This month Tarrey Torae presents a new music video to you from her song titled “Little Girl.”  The video features the ultra talent of The Chicago Contemporary Dance Theatre with powerful choreography direction from Ms. Lynna Hollis.

It was filmed in Chicago with the Emmy Award Winning Director, Cam Be of Camovement.  Award winning poet, J. Ivy who is also a co-writer and producer on the song shared a role on set with Tarrey to assist with the vibe and look of the video.  Also, the music for the song was produced by the musician/artist Marshall Knights from Torae’s album The Sweetest Survivor.  In addition, the video was edited by Christine Varisse.

We hope this video inspires you and adds to the positive light that lives in all of us. We hope it inspires little girls every where to be better and more beautiful then they already are. And we hope that it helps to remind us all to contribute more positivity and be better at how we connect with this beautiful new generation of hope!

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Words about the music video “Little Girl” from Tarrey Torae:

“I am truly grateful for the experience!  It is highly rewarding knowing that I can touch so many with my words, melody and voice!”

Please watch this video below and repost it, share it with your friends, family and colleagues to start dialogues that address our young ladies in greater ways so that they may be inspired too. This is the beginning of many more positively crafted moments that Tarrey will be sharing with you!  Stay in tune with her musical journey filled with songs for the community, family and love by following and subscribing to her Social Networks:

Facebook – Follow Tarrey Torae

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YouTube – Subscribe to Tarrey Torae

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